Default No Targets 1024x1024b 524x290 - Mastering The Mix updates Bassroom to v1.0.1

Mastering The Mix updates Bassroom to v1.0.1

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Release Notes & Bug Fixes:

  • Added Bypass automation.
  • Selecting all, or from the beginning, or to the end of a reference track causes a crash. Fixed.
  • WaveLab and maybe other DAWs don’t set session sample rate on startup so reference tracks previously saved within Bassroom can’t be loaded. Saved targets are still loaded however, and ref tracks can be loaded during a session.
  • WaveLab and maybe other DAWs don’t set transport position so this meant targets didn’t show up, fixed.
  • Strange noise can be heard if buffer latency is not a multiple of 32 (e.g. 256, 515 etc.) Added pop-up reminder if latency is not a multiple of 32.
  • Output gain added as parameter so is now saved with session and can be automated.
  • Short Term LUFS targets optional display.
  • Smoothed Integrated LUFS targets.
Default No Targets 1024x1024a - Mastering The Mix updates Bassroom to v1.0.1

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